Daily Feng Shui | day 04

The 5 elements

Today I learned there are  5 elements in Feng Shui. I am self taught in vedic astrology and a bit of western astrology, the elements are similar except in Feng Shui, these 5 elements are,

  • Fire

  • Earth

  • Water

  • Metal

  • Wood

The 2 new elements to me are metal and wood.  The elements are linked to the cardinal points

  • north

  • east

  • west

  • south 

and the seasons (except for earth, which I will explain below). For example the element fire represents the south direction and the season of summer.  A brief description of each are explained below,

Fire burns like summer and it represents the direction south where the sun is the strongest. It is energy and heat. Its shape is triangular like the sharp flame that rises up. The color that represents fire is orange and red. It also symbolizes passion, warmth and high energy. It has no texture. Interior pieces for these are: fire pit/table, candles, torches, and warm colored trees or flowers.

Earth refers to balance and grounding. It has no season as it sits in the middle which is neutral. Its direction points to northeast and southwest where it thrives best. It moves horizontal like the ground. Its shape is a square, the colors are yellow and brown. Its texture is coarse and raw. Some examples you’ll find in your home are your ceramics. Interior pieces for these are: metal sculptures, Soil, stone, gravel pathways, yellow flowers/shrubs

Metal is known to be malleable and have dense qualities. It embodies creativity, clarity and precision. It is also most effective in the western point where the sun sets and transforms from day to night. Its movement is inwards like a spinning orb. The season it represents is autumn which is why metal is known to be a transformative element. Interior pieces for these are: metal sculptures, lighting fixtures, objects with round or spherical shape, and white flowers

Water is noted for its flowing nature. It is best to incorporate this element in the north where the sun barely touches and represents winter. Adding this element  in the northern bagua invites success and growth. Its direction is downwards where gravity pulls it towards the earth. Its movement is a key characteristic and not still like the lake. It texture is random and soft. The colors that represent water are black and deep blue. These are your mirrors and water in your home or given space. Interior pieces for these are: water feature, waterfall, blue and purple flowers/shrubs, organic shapes or undulating furniture shapes, and reflective interior surfaces like glass and mirror.

Wood is seen as growth. Its movement is outwards like a full grown tree. Its season is spring and sits comfortably in the  the east direction where the sun rises and breathes the most energy into the day. Its symbolizes  growth and vitality, it is a living element like a plant. Colors that represent wood are light blue, green and the colors of wood. Its shape is a vertical rectangle, and the texture runs vertically rather than the earth being horizontal. These are your plants in your home or space. Interior pieces for these are: trees, plants, bamboo, tall grasses, evergreen, and wood furniture and fencing

These elements also co relate to yin and yang, where water and metal are yin, fire and wood are yang and earth sits in the center of it all as it is the most balanced state.


Daily Feng Shui | day 05


Daily Feng Shui | day 03