Journal Entries

Arata Kobayashi Arata Kobayashi

Daily Feng Shui | day 02

The article explains that chi is the vital energy that flows through everything in the universe, and creating a harmonious balance of this energy in our living and working spaces is key to promoting health, happiness, and prosperity.

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EDESIGN Arata Kobayashi EDESIGN Arata Kobayashi

How to measure your room

In this journal entry, Arata Studio provides a helpful guide on how to accurately measure a room. The guide covers various aspects of measuring a room, including the tools needed, the importance of taking precise measurements, and tips for avoiding common measurement mistakes.

The article emphasizes the importance of measuring a room correctly when planning a renovation or designing a new space. The author notes that even small measurement errors can have a significant impact on the final result, so it's crucial to take your time and be as accurate as possible.

The guide provides step-by-step instructions for measuring various aspects of a room, such as the walls, ceiling, and floor. It also includes tips for measuring irregularly shaped rooms and accounting for obstacles like doors and windows.

Overall, "How to Measure a Room" is a useful resource for anyone looking to accurately measure a space for a renovation or design project. The guide is easy to follow and provides valuable insights into the measurement process, making it a must-read for DIY enthusiasts and professionals alike.

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Arata Kobayashi Arata Kobayashi

Daily Feng Shui | day 01

Daily Feng Shui | day 01

The author of the journal entry explores the concept of Feng Shui and its focus on energy and chi. They describe how Feng Shui aims to create a harmonious balance of energy in a living or working space to promote health, happiness, and prosperity. The author finds the idea of energy flowing through everything in the universe to be fascinating and believes that our environment can have a significant impact on our energy levels and overall well-being. They discuss various ways to improve energy flow in a space, such as decluttering, using colors and shapes, and incorporating natural elements like plants and water. The author concludes by expressing their excitement to apply Feng Shui principles to their own living space and see how it affects their energy and well-being.

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