Decluttering and Organizing Service

  • Collaborative decluttering: 

    initial Session - During the initial sessions, we will evaluate the items in your space. Together, we'll decide which items to keep, donate, or discard, taking into account your preferences and sentimental attachments. I will guide you in removing items from your space at a pace that suits your comfort level. We'll simultaneously sort and categorize the items, ensuring an efficient and organized process.


  1. Organizing checklist And target lead time

  2. Step by step guide how to approach your belongings

  3. Virtual zoom with partner organizer (Rich and Tidy) on zoom 60 minutes

•Flow Analysis and Space Optimization: 

Succeeding sessions, we finalize the items, we will analyze how they relate to your movement within the space. We will place the organizing products in place and consider your workflow and ensure that your belongings are strategically placed to enhance efficiency and ease of access.

  • Item Purchase and Implementation: 

The final days, we will identify any additional storage solutions or organizational products. You may continue after the hourly sessions without me if time is abundant. 


  1. Shopping list for Storage

  2. Purchasing

  3. Final session zoom call 60 minutes

  4. Implementation - site visit

Benefits of organizing

1.      Reduces stress and anxiety: A cluttered space can be overwhelming and create a feeling of chaos. Decluttering can help reduce stress and anxiety by creating a calm and peaceful environment.

2.      Increases productivity: A cluttered space can be distracting and make it difficult to focus. By decluttering, you can increase your productivity and focus on the task at hand.

3.      Promotes creativity: A cluttered space can stifle creativity by limiting the flow of ideas. Decluttering can create a space that is more conducive to inspiration and creativity.

4.      Saves time: A cluttered space can make it difficult to find what you need, resulting in wasted time searching for items. By decluttering, you can save time by having a more organized space.

5.      Improves overall well-being: A cluttered space can negatively impact your mood and well-being. Decluttering can improve your overall sense of well-being by creating a more organized and peaceful environment.



Daily Feng Shui | day 05