Daily Feng Shui | day 02


Yin and Yang

Yin Yang is a concept in Feng Shui that refers to the dualistic nature of the universe, where everything is made up of two opposing but complementary energies - yin and yang. In traditional Chinese philosophy, the yin yang theory represents how opposing forces can be interdependent and interconnected, and how they can transform into each other.

In Feng Shui, the balance and harmony of yin and yang energies are believed to affect the flow of energy, or "qi," in our environment and influence the overall well-being of people living or working in a space.

Yin represents the feminine, receptive, and introspective energy, while Yang represents the masculine, active, and outwardly expressive energy. In a living space, Yin energy can be found in quiet, soft, and dark spaces, such as bedrooms or bathrooms, while Yang energy can be found in bright, open, and active spaces, such as living rooms or kitchens.

To create a balanced and harmonious living space, Feng Shui practitioners recommend incorporating both yin and yang elements in the design and layout of a home or office. This can be achieved through the use of color, light, textures, and shapes, as well as by considering the function and purpose of each room. By creating a balanced flow of yin and yang energy, it is believed that we can improve our health, relationships, and overall prosperity.

Yin and yang, the feminine pertains to the former and the masculine pertains to the latter. These energies cannot exist without the other. This split creates Heaven and earth, sky and the ground, light and darkness. These energies in Feng shui are important to balance —yin and yang. By principle, an example of yin is anything calm and subdued or soft. Whereas, yang would be something that carries more energy. We apply these principles of Feng Shui to create harmony, and balance in the arrangement of our home space!


Daily Feng Shui | day 03


How to measure your room