Daily Feng Shui | day 01

There are so many considerations in having a well balanced “chi” or energy in our own home. I will be sharing some insights on Feng Shui.  Just a disclaimer, I am not a feng Shui Master, My references come from a book I’m currently reading, Feng Shui Modern by Cliff Tan.

I actually exchanged books with a friend who had a vastu shastra book which is an indian version of Feng Shui and is actually the original concept.

I would highly advise to take everything you read with a grain of salt and do your own research :)

First thing, what is Feng Shui?

While many people see feng shui as a mysterious practice, probably because it originated a long time ago, the ideas behind it are really very simple. It is about applying common sense and instincts when you plan your spaces or build a home. There is a logical reason behind every Feng Shui  principle. As long as we understand those principles, and apply them meaningfully to our spaces, eventually it will feel more natural and instinctive, and always lead to the best possible outcomes for our homes.

History of Feng Shui

3000 years ago in China, an emperor wished to build a new city. Not just any city – it is new capital. This was a very important task, and he didn't want to get it wrong. The first thing he needed to do was pick a site for this magnificent city. He had a team of advisors, armed with knowledge of geography and the environment, to help him decide where to put his city in which direction it should face. They decided that, for the city to prosper, it needed to be close to a river for water and trade, at the foot of some hills to protect the houses from the wind and from enemies to the north, and on higher ground to guard against floods. The knowledge and skills of these advisors was known as kan yu, Which metaphorically means “which metaphorically means ‘to be worthy of.’ Now we call their expertise by the contemporary mean eventually, which simply translates as “Now we called their expertise by the contemporary mean sanctuary, which simply translates as "wind and water." So you see,  Feng shui is really just a set of theories to guide you to build something in the best possible way. The system was not unique to the Chinese. In fact, many cultures have their own rules for building, including the Indian practice of vastu shastra.

Can Feng Shui make me rich and happy?

If you send a child to a good school, does it guarantee that they will get a good job and become respected and rich? No, although it might help. Like a good school, Feng Shui gives you the right environment in which to optimize your own performance to achieve your goals, but it cannot guarantee any specific outcome.

daily feng shui | day 001

Book by, Cliff Tan and illustrations by Dura Lee



We almost always feel better in a beautiful, balanced space, and when we feel good that's already a step in the right direction to health, wealth and happiness. Before we embark on this journey, always remember that following a particular theory makes you feel uncomfortable, then it is not in the spirit of Feng Shui. Set aside the theory  and consider your options that how you feel your ultimate guide


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